Significant amount of details have been planned to increase the bio-diversity of the area, and have a net positive environmental impact. Although this level of planning significantly slowed down the project start, the presence of such a development in rural location requires careful planning to ensure, there are no downsides to the project to the environment. Some of the planned activities that have already been enacted are:
Installation of 3no. bat boxes to increase the availability of potential roosting opportunities for such species within the site
A nest box suitable for use by barn owls installed near to the site, to help increase the availability ofnesting/roosting habitat for the species
Sparrow terrace, two starling nest boxes and three swallow nest cups installed on the new buildings on site, with two boxes suitable for use by spotted flycatcher installed on one of the trees, to provide potential nesting opportunitiesfor such species
Appropriate working methods minimise the risk of siltation on the River Rede both during and following on from the completion of works
Appropriate working methods used to prevent adverse impacts on the adjacent LWSA buffer zone will be implemented along the River Rede both during and following on from the completion of works on site. This area will be fenced off to prevent public access, although fencing will be of a suitable nature to allow wildlife topass through, to avoid restricting the movement of any such species
A new fish-free pond separate to the proposed lake which retains water year round will be created on or adjacent to the site, with the aim of providing habitat for native wildlife, with taller vegetation maintained around the edges and linked to the buffer zone to be retained along the River Rede
Multiple new trees will be planted and a park will be built adjoining the site to encourage birds and support ecology further.